miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Week beginning Monday, April 27

As last Wednesday, we will use Google Meet as a virtual classroom. You will receive an email around 5 minutes before the beginning of our class inviting you to a Google Meet session. Make sure your computer / laptop / phone has enough battery life left or is connected to a reliable energy source. 

1st years and 3rd years: Final exam scheduled for May 20: it will include:

1. Reading comprehension (article --> multiple choice questionnaire) 20 points

2. Listening comprehension (Live Quizizz questionnaire based on 10-second audio files) 20 points

3. Use of English / grammar  20 points

4. Writing & Vocabulary 40 points

1st year:

What we did in class on Wednesday, April 29: Eco-tourism and plastic-free supermarkets. Here is our whiteboard (with the correction). We will finish the activity next week after the presentations.

Homework for Wednesday, May 5: Work on your presentations (assignment 4 here). Team up in groups of 3 or 4, create a Power Point presentation, upload it to the internet via https://www.slideshare.net/. The idea is for you to give us the link next Wednesday to enable us to follow the presentation simultaneously on our respective computers -with your instructions of course-. Here is a video on effective presentation + signposting + video on communication and public speaking skills + a revision of graph description vocab if you need it.

3rd year:


What we covered in class on Wednesday, April 29: We corrected episode 2 and moved on to episode 3.
Here is our whiteboard.

Homework for Wednesday May 6: Read episode 4 of our series and dothe vocab-fishing activity. You may do it individually or in pairs. We will correct it in class and move on to the final episode.

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