miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018

Week beginning Monday, October 29

What we covered on Tuesday, October 30: Press review + Speaking activity p75 using signpost language + course book p76-77 + paragraph writing

Homework for Tuesday November 6: Press review + Read Writing Focus p172 & this handout on Parallel Structures + review the above-mentioned Paragraph Writing tutorial --> THEN DO 4A P77

Oral project: will be done towards the end of the course in groups of 3/4. 5 minutes per person. We mentioned the idea of an overarching topic for all presentations along the lines of: Customs and Traditions in Spain's regions / Pivotal moments in the world's history / Health & Lifestyle (Nutrition, Health and Safety at work, Carcinogenic products...) etc. 

martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

Week beginning Monday, October 22

What we covered on Tuesday, October 23: Press review + Homework correction + Supplementary activity on possessive adjectives and gerunds

Homework for Thursday October 25: Review p149 + the activity above

Important: The mid-term skills test will take place on Thursday, November 22 and the final exam will take place on Thursday, January 31.

Here is a reminder of the assessment process (in the end we will indeed do the oral project):

40% - final exam
60% - continuous assessment

The 60% continuous assessment breaks down like this:

10% - Oral project
10% - Attendance / participation
10% - Mid-term skills test
30% - In class tasks / written tasks / quizzes / homework in general / speaking ability...

Oral project: will be done towards the end of the course in groups of 3/4. 5 minutes per person.

What we covered in class on Thursday: Course book p74-75 (except the Speaking part) + signpost language
Oral project: will be done towards the end of the course in groups of 3/4. 5 minutes per person. We mentioned the idea of an overarching topic for all presentations along the lines of: Customs and Traditions in Spain's regions / Pivotal moments in the world's history / Health & Lifestyle (Nutrition, Health and Safety at work, Carcinogenic products...) etc. 

Homework for Monday October 29: Press review + revise the above-mentioned signpost language + watch this video on how to make effective Power Point (Canva etc.) presentations and take notes.

martes, 16 de octubre de 2018

Week beginning Monday, October 15

What we covered on Tuesday, October 16: Press review + Homework correction + Course book p70-71

Homework for Thursday October 18: LEARN the vocabulary we've covered so far: Introverts & Extroverts + course book unit 5A + 6A-B (until p71) and review simple and continuous verbs

Important: The mid-term skills test will take place on Thursday, November 22 and the final exam will take place on Thursday, January 31.

Here is a reminder of the assessment process (in the end we will indeed do the oral project):

40% - final exam
60% - continuous assessment

The 60% continuous assessment breaks down like this:

10% - Oral project
10% - Attendance / participation
10% - Mid-term skills test
30% - In class tasks / written tasks / quizzes / homework in general / speaking ability...

Oral project: will be done towards the end of the course in groups of 3/4. 5 minutes per person.

What we covered in class on Thursday: Quiz + course book p72-73

Homework for Monday October 23: Press review + Grammar: a, b, c, d and e p73 + exercises p149

martes, 9 de octubre de 2018

Week beginning Monday October 8


Here are some instructions in Spanish you might find useful:


There are 3 possible cases

1.     Antiguo alumno/mismo libro (por ejemplo – viene de A2.1 y ahora hace A2.2)
a.     Entran CLMS con su username y password
b.     ‘Click’ sobre ‘My Learning’
c.     ‘Click’ sobre  ‘Join a class’ y usa el ‘class code’ que le da el profesor

2.     Antiguo alumno/nuevo libro (por ejemplo – viene de A2.2 y ahora hace B1.1)
a.     Entran CLMS con su username y password
b.     ‘Click’ sobre ‘My Learning’
c.     ‘Click’ sobre ‘Activate a new product’ con el código del libro
d.     ‘Click’ sobre  ‘Join a class’ y usa el ‘class code’ que le da el profesor

3.     Nuevo alumno
a.     Register en la CLMS (https://www.cambridgelms.org/main)
b.     ‘Click’ sobre ‘My Learning’
c.     ‘Click’ sobre ‘Activate a new product’ con el código del libro

d.     ‘Click’ sobre  ‘Join a class’ y usa el ‘class code’ que le da el profesor

What we covered on Tuesday, October 9: Course book p58+162 & 67-68 (we started unit 6)

Homework for Thursday October 11: Start learning the vocabulary we've covered so far (Introverts & Extroverts + course book unit 5A)

What we covered on Thursday, October 11: 2 p68 (including p163) and lesson on Gradable/Ungradable adjectives and matching adverbs  (here is an interesting tutorial by the British Council and a good exercise) + p69-70.

Homework for Monday October 15: Read the tips on simple and continuous verbs and do all exercises p148. Press review: Read an article every week from the following sources and write a 100-word summary (bullet points are ok) so that you can summarize the contents of your article to your classmates on Mondays.

The New York times
The Economist
The Washington Post
The Guardian
The Independent (e.g. Voices: Robert Fisk etc.)
The New Yorker
The Financial Times
The Times
The Herald Tribune