lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Week beginning Monday, April 3

C1.2 Monday + Wednesday:

What we covered in class on Monday, April 3: Press review + course book p107-108 + and this video on  Zaha Hadid.

FYI: Here is a good tutorial on inversions in case you're interested :)

Homework for Wednesday April 5: No homework

What we covered in class on Wednesday, April 5: Activity on Zaha Hadid. Here is our white board.

Homework for Wednesday April 19: Press review + start reviewing all the vocabulary we've covered so far both in the book and in supplementary activities. Opening a quizlet account might be a good idea :) 

Have a great Easter break!!

Important: Oral projects are due on the 24th of April. 5min minimum per person. Umbrella topic (for those who chose that option): Music, Art and Literature. 

FINAL EXAM DATES: Mon. 8th (Reading + Listening + UoE) AND Wed. 10th of May (Writing and Speaking)

C1.2 Friday group: scroll down to the previous entry

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