martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Semana del lunes 8 de diciembre

English Pre Advanced:

Important reminder: The progress test (mock exam) will take place on the 11th and 16th of February and attendance is compulsory.

What we covered in class on Wednesday: Course book p38-39

Homework for Monday, December 15: Use of English 3 & 4 p40 + Vocabulary 1 p41

Français C1.1 :

Ce qu'on a fait en cours mercredi : On a terminé l'expression écrite sur les 4 pères de la sociologie.

Devoirs pour lundi : Reposez-vous! :)

Message pour Conchi: Voici le texte que vous avez produit en groupe 

4 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Hi Jeanphi I'm Javier Soler, I couldn't attend the class yesterday because of the work. I hope to be able to attend the next one (if the work allows me...). Just in case, if you don't mind sending me further deails of what we've (actually, you've) covered in the class... that would be nice.
See you.

Jeanphi dijo...

Hi Javier,
Actually all my notes on the first 30 pages of Gain are scribbled on a few sheets of paper so I can't really scan them... But do come tonight and I'll explain it all to you :) Best. Jeanphi

Unknown dijo...

Sorry Jeanphi, I couldn't make it yesterday... the work kept me truly busy (you know, the holidays are at the corner).
Is it going to be classes next week?

sorry I write you here because I don't have any other way to contact you.


Jeanphi dijo...

Hi Javier,
No problem! No, there won't be any classes next week! Happy Christmas! I've just realised I have to update the blog...
Take care