What we did in class 28-Feb.: Correction of the homework. Article from The Economist, The rights and wrongs of hacktivism (listening comprehension of its audio version, reading comprehension -following the article- and correction)
Homework for 02-Mar.: Create a vocabulary card with 10 words (apart from those mentioned in the reading comprehension) you don't understand with for each one:
1. Its definition in English (please go to Merriam Webster)
2. Its translation in Spanish (in the context of the text)
What we did in class 02-Mar.: Unit 4D p40-41. Brainstorming in groups of 2-4 on oral projects. The Oral Project outline has to be handed in on the 11th of April and the projects themselves will start after Easter, i.e. from the 27th of April onwards.
Homework for 07-Mar.: Review Unit 4 p41.
Pre Cae:
What we did in class 03-Mar.: Unit 5 p54-55 (except listening).
Homework for 08-Mar.: Unit 4 Test (correction) and if you also want to do the Review p53, here is the correction. Writing p52 if you scored below 7 at the CS and/or Acc mark(s) at the exam.
What we did in class 01-Mar.: P50 of the book + article on The King's Speech with reading comprehension. (Correction)
Homework for 03-Mar.: Gapped sentences p51 (we won't correct it in class so here is the correction to correct it yourself) + Writing p52 if you scored below 7 at the CS and/or Acc mark(s) at the exam.
Français B1.2:
Ce qu'on a fait en classe 03-Mar.: chanson Deauville sans Trintignant (allez voir la page B1.2 sur la droite) et compréhension de texte: Chanson Vincent Delerm et la correction de la compréhension de texte.
Devoirs pour le 08-Mar.: Réécouter la chanson et relire le texte ainsi que la correction ci-dessus!
Ce qu'on a fait en classe 01-Mar.: p62-64 du livre.
Devoirs pour le 03-Mar.: Test Unité 4 p65 (sauf activité 2). Rappel: Acheter le livre Jean de Florette de Marcel Pagnol à lire pour le 26 avril.